The booking flow refers to what customers see from start to finish as they make an appointment with a provider.
With MarketBox, the booking flow can be customized to your company’s brand.
This includes:
- The logo: this setting can be configured to show the logo only or both the logo and your company name.
- The Homepage URL: your homepage URL can be linked to the logo that displays in the booking flow header.
- Theme color: customize the heading that displays across the booking flow.
- *The Background: choose a dynamic, engaging image that represents your company and high quality service.
- *Headings text: add slogans or a tagline to convey your brand message.
- *Text and button color: Maintain visual consistency by inputting your brand hex codes.
*Contact your MarketBox representative for these features
The booking flow begins by prompting customers to select a service and location (virtual, on-location, or remote).
Customers are then smoothly guided through the rest of the booking process, which includes:
- Selecting a provider.
- Selecting a single appointment, ongoing appointments, or packages of appointments (this varies based on how you’ve configured your company and if your company offers ongoing appointments or packages of appointments).
- Selecting a date and time for the appointment.
- Entering any important information in the note box.
- Reviewing their order summary.
- Entering payment information if they’re a pre-existing customer, this information is auto-completed).