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Troubleshooting Login Issues

Troubleshooting Login Issues

Sometimes a user may have trouble logging in but is unsure how to proceed. Here are some steps that you can take to help trouble shoot any issues. Review these troubleshooting tips that you can take before contacting the company admin.

1. Re-Enter Login Credentials

If you receive an “Incorrect username or password” error message when attempting to log in, check for any spelling errors in the email address or password.

2. Click Forgotten Password

If you can not remember your password, you can reset your password entirely. To reset your password, click forgot password.

Enter your username and click send code.

Check your email for a code, enter a new password, and click submit

3. Temporary Password Not Working

If you receive a temporary password and are having issues when logging in, check if your temporary password is valid as it expires in 7 days. If the password has expired, please contact your company admin as they will reset your temporary password. If you are the only admin and your temporary password has expired, please contact The new temporary password that has been sent out expires in 30 days.

As An Admin, You Can Reset The User’s Account or Temporary Password: 

1. Log into your MarketBox Account

2. Click on Users

3. Search for the user experiencing issues and check their status 

Note: Regardless of their status, active or inactive, if they are not able to access their account, you will need to reset their password as the admin.

4. Click on the key where it will force a password reset. The provider or client will receive a link to reset their password. If they do not complete the rest and leave their device (mobile or laptop) the link will expire, and the rest will not complete.